07. Maximize Gaussian

Maximize Gaussian


Start Quiz:

#For this problem, you aren't writing any code.
#Instead, please just change the last argument 
#in f() to maximize the output.

from math import *

def f(mu, sigma2, x):
    return 1/sqrt(2.*pi*sigma2) * exp(-.5*(x-mu)**2 / sigma2)

print f(10.,4.,8.) #Change the 8. to something else!

User's Answer:

(Note: The answer done by the user is not guaranteed to be correct)

#For this problem, you aren't writing any code.
#Instead, please just change the last argument 
#in f() to maximize the output.

from math import *

def f(mu, sigma2, x):
    return 1/sqrt(2.*pi*sigma2) * exp(-.5*(x-mu)**2 / sigma2)

print f(10.,4.,10.) #Change the 8. to something else!